维度女性网 > 时尚推荐 > 不言蜂蜜锦绣 惟悦其康宁——君慕云凤斋

不言蜂蜜锦绣 惟悦其康宁——君慕云凤斋

来源于:维度女性网2015-09-14 14:17编辑:vdo



Long ago there lived an evil Demon King, who took by force the beautiful and prosperous Xishuangbanna and forced seven pretty maidens to be his wives. The young wives however hated their husband and plotted to kill him.


One night the youngest of the Demon King''s wives, whose name was Nongxiang, entertained the Demon King with the best food and finest wine. He ate and drank, and while he was eating and drinking, he didn''t notice how the excellent wine went to his head and he became drunk, whereupon he told his one fatal weakness. The Demon King, who feared nothing, could be defeated if he were strangled with his own hair.


The girl, while being watchful and vigilant, carefully pulled out one red hair from the King''s head. She quickly wrapped it around his neck and tightened it, strangling him. Suddenly, the Demon King''s head fell from his neck and became a fireball, burning with an evil fire. The fireball kept rolling, the fire destroying everything it touched – the bamboo buildings were razed to the ground and the crops were burnt to nothing.


Desperate to extinguish the terrible fire, Nongxiang seized the head and poured water onto it; she and the other six girls took it in turns to do this and the fire was finally extinguished in June in the Dai calendar.

Freed from the tyranny of the Demon King, the local people began to live happy, peaceful lives, but continued to keep the custom of sprinkling water every year. Nowadays, this water-sprinkling custom has become a ceremony to send blessings to others.


It is said that “a day in heaven is a year in the world of the living”. For thousands of years, people have wondered how those kind, beautiful, girls could have endured spending year after year holding the head of the Demon King. But there is another mystery. The local people used to draw bees and beehives on the walls of the temples or the caves they lived in, or on scrolls of paper; songs have sung high praise for bees in artistic forms, and bees have even been worshipped as deities.


It turns out that the seven wives of the Demon King were not only beautiful but clever. While one of them was holding the head, the other six collected flowers and make garlands. Bees were attracted to the flowers and the girl who was holding the head at the time was given nectar provided by the bees.

With the death of the Demon King, the local people could finally live in peace again, and continued to do so for hundreds of years. But one day there was a great storm; lightning flashed and thunder rolled. The heavens were shrouded with mist and then, suddenly, with colourful rays of light; the Phoenix high up in the clouds had learned of the good deed done by the seven girls. To honour the goodness of the girls, had invited a hundred birds to sing for them; all the birds came. This all happened while the flowers were in full bloom and when the moon waxed full; the world was full of perfect happiness.

The people who saw the events of that day also smelled the scent of the flowers and learned how to make garlands to attract bees. Thus the people did not only see the magnificent Phoenix, but also tasted the sweet honey, and since then they started keeping their own beehives.


The name “Phoenix House” derives from this legend, and every drop of honey contains the selfless effort of dozens of bees. The honey from Phoenix House stands out because it refreshes both body and mind, supplying warmth with its positive energy. Phoenix House wishes all our friends a healthy, lucky and content life.



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